
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harvard Kennedy School Encouraging Commencement Words

I was privileged to attend the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Graduation on June 4th of this year. I was impressed and inspired by Dean David T. Ellwood’s words of encouragement to the students. Here are a few of his encouraging Commencement comments:

1) Innovate--cross boundaries, cross countries, take risks. Dare to be brave and bold. Tell yourself, it’s ok to make mistakes.

2) Listen--really listen, those who serve seem to think they know best. Be wise and educated (they can be different) public servants who hear and understand people.

3) Empathize--humanize people. Go back to personal moments that started your journey and let that excitement and energy fuel your work.

4) Compassion--The question is, “can they see in my eyes a human face that sees pain and seeks to make a difference?”

5) Go ahead--go out and make the world a better place for all mankind.

I was inspired to do what I can to make a difference in my world. Hope that it encourages you to do the same!

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